All Are Welcome!
Christ Woodland is a friendly church north of the Wallhaven area on Akron's west side. The congregation's vision is to be "an all-inclusive, loving community of faith whose purpose is to make disciples of Christ through our teaching, our praying, our outreach, and our witness."Now Worshiping In Person and Online
The Rev. Deborah Nees, pastor, leads the congregation in worship each Sunday starting at 10:30 a.m. You are welcome to join us in person or online as the service is shared with those in the pews and on Facebook. Those joining the live-streamed broadcast on Facebook are encouraged to sign in early and greet others.
We celebrate Holy Communion the first Sunday of each month. If you are participating at home, please remember to assemble the elements, perhaps a piece of bread or cracker and some juice, ahead of time so you can celebrate Holy Communion with us during the worship service.
Please remember that tithes, offerings and donations from members and friends of the congregation help support the work of this faith community and can be may be dropped off as the congregation enters or leaves the sanctuary, sent to the church in check form, through our Facebook page (click or tap the "Shop Now" button) or by using the following link. As we worship and work in faith together, please consider and reflect on all God has given and what might be given in return.
Christ Woodland United Methodist Online Donation Form
Share Fellowship Over Coffee
Our coffee fellowship takes place in person each Sunday morning before the worship service. Beginning at 9:45 a.m., join us for beverages, treats, and an opportunity to get to know congregation members, friends, and visitors.
Sunday School for Children & Youth
Calling all children and youth! Our Sunday School for children and youth features fun, hands-on activities and encourages kids to share and learn their faith. The class meets in person each Sunday, 9:45 to 10:15 a.m., in the chapel/meeting room next to the church office. New participants are always welcome!
Check Out Our Online Worship Services and More on Facebook
Stay in touch through our Facebook page! You can post messages to our church family, read others' posts, view recent worship services and keep up with the latest official church news and announcements.
You can find Christ Woodland United Methodist Church on Facebook at:
A volunteer helps prepare our Food Pantry for clients.
Food Pantry Serves Our Neighbors
The Christ Woodland Food Pantry is open every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Each week our Food Pantry assists our neighbors who struggle with food insecurity. The need grew significantly during the pandemic and has continued since then as well.
If you'd like to donate food, toiletries or other supplies to the pantry, please plan to drop them off at the church whenever the church office is open (see the church calendar). If you would prefer to have the committee members do the shopping, you can donate money to support the Food Pantry using our online donation form. Please be sure all donations are marked "for the food pantry." A big thank you to all who continue to support this important outreach ministry.
Online Giving of Tithes and Offerings
Through the following link you can make a one-time offering or set up recurring donations as frequently and for as long you choose. Or you can download and use an app called GivePlus Church on your smartphone or tablet. Or if you prefer, tithes and offerings can be sent to the church via check. Please contact the church office if you have any questions or need more information.
Christ Woodland United Methodist Online Donation FormNote: You can also donate online through our Facebook pages. Click the blue Shop Now button near the top of the home page.
Office Hours
The church office will maintain regular hours, normally Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. You can call the office at 330-836-9777 during those hours. See this week's church calendar to confirm which days the office is open.
Please contact the following organizations for scheduling updates or call the church office at 330-836-9777, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, 9 AM to 1 PM.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Saturday evenings at 7:00 PM
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA)
Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM
Want to Know More? Sign Up for Our Newsletter!
Our weekly E-Newsletter is published every Tuesday with a calendar for the week and information about upcoming events and activities. To sign up, contact our Church Secretary with your email address at, or call (330) 836-9777.
All Are Welcome!
Click here for a map to:
444 N. Hawkins Avenue
Akron, OH 44313